![very time of year is a great time to hit the open road in your recreational vehicle. Whether you drive a Class A, Class B, or Class C RV, keeping its roof in great shape is crucial. That means you should reseal your RV roof regularly. If you fail to do so, rain, snow, and debris can seep inside, making your living conditions uncomfortable. But how often should you reseal your RV roof, and how can you tell it needs to be resealed? The simple answer is to reseal your camper roof every six months. If you fail to do so, it will cause a lot more damage than just a wet interior. The RV roof repair mechanics at The RV Shop in New Castle, Delaware, are here to help. Here's everything you need to know about resealing your RV roof.](https://thervshop.com/wp-content/uploads/How-Often-Should-You-Reseal-the-Roof-of-Your-RV-300x200.jpg)
How Often Should You Reseal the Roof of Your RV?
Every time of year is a great time to hit the open road in your recreational vehicle. Whether you drive a Class A, Class B, or Class C RV, keeping its roof in great shape is crucial. That means you should reseal your RV roof regularly. I